7 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Their Brand

Maintaining a clear brand focus combined with a touch of marketing creativity can enable small businesses to outperform even big-spending competitors.

Running a small business can be challenging. There never seem to be enough hours in a day or days in a week to complete every item on the ever-growing to-do list.

I assure you that this article won't add new tasks to your list. Instead, it might even help lighten your burden.

Your Brand Should Work for You...Not Against You

Marketing a company's products and services and attracting new customers are fundamental tasks of entrepreneurship because a business cannot thrive without a steady stream of paying customers.

However, some organizations appear to spend much less time, money, and effort promoting their products and services and still grow rapidly.

What do they do differently?

They probably benefit from having a strong brand.

Investing in your brand has significant benefits, which can result in considerable time and cost savings, as well as increased profits.

Strengthening your brand can be a highly effective strategy for the following seven reasons.

Reason #1: Increased Customer Loyalty

It is seven times more expensive to attract a new customer than to retain an existing customer.

Customers who identify with a brand tend to be more loyal and buy more often without the need for the business to spend much money on advertising.

Rewarding loyalty is an effective method for retaining customers and keeping them engaged.

One approach is to implement a formal loyalty program. These programs typically provide discounts in exchange for points that a customer accumulates as a reward for referring a friend, following the company on social media, or the value and frequency of their purchases.

Another option is to offer exclusivity. Exclusive events, content, or shopping hours can be a less expensive alternative to a formal loyalty program.

Reason #2: Positive Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Happy customers will recommend your brand to everyone they know without being asked or leave a positive review on Google, Facebook, and review sites, such as Yelp.

Companies that receive a high number of referrals spend noticeably less on advertising. Some small businesses even have a referral rate as high as 100% and don't advertise at all.

Reason #3: Higher Advertising Effectiveness

When a strong brand promotes the release of a new product, it captures the attention of its customers, sparking imagination, rumors, and curiosity about any innovative features. Think of Apple when they launch a new iPhone.

Reason #4: Less Price Sensitivity

Strong brands can charge higher prices compared to weaker brands. They can raise prices without fearing to lose many of their loyal customers, as these customers are typically less sensitive to price changes.

Marketers refer to this buying behavior as inelastic. It means that customer demand responds minimally to price increases or reductions.

That's why strong brands rarely need to offer discounts to encourage sales, ultimately improving their profitability.

Reason #5: Higher Attractiveness for Top Talent

Strong brands are an attractive place to work and can select the most suitable candidates from a larger pool of applicants.

Reason #6: Higher Employee Engagement

Employees working for strong brands often share their cause, are proud to work for them, and are more engaged, leading to better products and higher company profits.

Reason #7: Higher Company Value

Your company's value to a potential buyer is influenced by more than just financial factors like recurring revenue and overall profitability.

It is also driven by your brand equity, which refers to the monetary value of a brand and often leads to a buyer paying a premium on top of the calculated book value.

This premium can be substantial, especially for businesses with few tangible assets.

Focus on the Right Things

Many business owners believe that the level of their marketing spending determines their brand strength. That's not true. Even with small marketing budgets, it is possible to build exceptionally strong brands if you do three things well:

  1. Coherence. Ensure your brand's purpose, values, vision, mission, promise, personality, and verbal and visual design elements closely align.

  2. Consistency. Ensure you apply your brand's verbal and visual design elements across all communication channels without exceptions.

  3. Authenticity. Stay true to your brand's values and do what you promised to do every time.

Brand strength doesn't result from the amount of money companies spend but from their dedication to doing the right things.

Maintaining a clear brand focus combined with a touch of marketing creativity can enable small businesses to outperform even big-spending competitors.

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