Turn Your Website Into a Powerful Marketing Hub


What do your social media posts and my email newsletter have in common? You may think, not much. Social media has billions of users while I send my newsletter to only my subscriber list. However, they share one aspect that I find striking: your social media post and my newsletter both are short-lived. Let me explain.

By turning your website into a digital content hub for your marketing, social media, print, and newsletters become channels to reach different target groups.

If you are part of a vibrant online community, you will likely see several hundred posts a day.

Do you read them all?

Probably not. If you have the time, you look at those that pique your interest. The rest will slowly disappear in your endless feed. Emails are not much different. I do hope you open my newsletter, but I understand if, occasionally, you have more important things on your mind. Perhaps you delete my email to keep your inbox clean. Otherwise, it will gradually fade from view under a new wave of incoming emails.

Well, what happened to the content we spent so much time to create?

It vanished into cyberspace.

As frustrating as it may sound, there is a solution. And the answer is your website.

Websites Have a Crucial Advantage Over Social Media and Email

The content on a webpage will remain there forever unless you delete it, of course. But can we use this foreverness to our advantage? How about turning our website into an all-accessible content repository.

Take my business as an example. My blog under lavilo-webdesign.com acts as such a content repository. There you will find everything I have ever written. Some articles were published in a local paper, while I used others for my weekly newsletter. I also post my articles on Facebook and Pinterest. I write a brief introduction to my post and then insert the link to my blog without recreating the content.

By turning your website into a content hub for your marketing, social media, print, and newsletters become channels to reach different target groups. Since all of your material is on your website, you could address each audience with a separate article.

Having all your content on your website has several added benefits. Here are some ideas worth exploring: 

  • Google and Bing can index your material and display a link to a specific article in their search results, which can improve your ranking over time.

  • You can reference one of your blog posts in a proposal and provide your client with more information on a particular procedure.

  • Your website can become more valuable to your customers and your business more reputable.

Websites are incredibly flexible. They can take on any role you assign them. As a marketing hub, they assume the role of storing your digital content and share it with your other communication channels, such as Facebook, Pinterest, and email newsletters.

With each completed customer project and with some structure, of course, your knowledge gathered in your marketing hub can quickly evolve into an extensive repository.

Using this repository for your daily marketing activities can save you a lot of time as you wouldn't need to recreate already existing content for each new post, newsletter, or client proposal.