Should You Hire a Web Designer?

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If you are like me, I love DIY projects. But my learning curve can be pretty steep. Oscar Wilde famously said: "Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."

So, what does this have to do with hiring a web designer?

Today's templates with their drag-and-drop features make configuring a website look so effortless that everybody seems to be able to do it. But sometimes, we have to admit that we really don't understand what we are clicking, nor do we know what the consequences are. Is all this clicking and dragging going to give you the website you envisioned?

Here is where a web designer can help. However, the spectrum of how web designers approach a project is vast.

On one side, there are web designers who work based on detailed specifications you provide. Such statements-of-work (SOW) can be an efficient way to align your expectations with what your web designer should deliver. They are also often used for large projects if you solicit a bid from different suppliers and would like to make the scope of these proposals comparable to select the lowest bidder. However, creating a consistent statement of work can be very time-consuming and costly. As the price is adjusted with any change to the original scope, be prepared to quickly sign off on change orders. Otherwise, should you slow down the execution of the project by not making your decisions on time, you will need to reimburse your supplier for the delay.

On the other side of the spectrum, there are web designers who take a more advisory role in a project. Although they create the website for you, they also coach you through all phases and ensure that the project remains on track to achieve your goals. They may be a little bit more expensive, but they also offer you a lot of flexibility in return.

Which type of web designer is the right match for your project depends on your situation. If you exactly know what you need and why it is probably sufficient to go straight to realization. However, if you are not sure and are looking for guidance, a web designer who can help you navigate the complexities of the web may be a better choice.